Bachelor of Divinity (BDiv) – 63 credit hour program

An Associate degree or 60 semester credit hours (this requirement may be waived if the applicant demonstrates academic “life experience” proficiency according to the American Council of Education’s guidelines for issuing credit for prior learning). At least 30 credit hours must be completed at STTCS. This degree focuses upon a theological education which prepares students for ordination to the sacred ministry, Christian ministry or in religious ministry education.

BDiv Program Details

Scholarly Writing ( 3 )

Spiritual Formation I ( 3 )

Spiritual Formation II ( 3 )


The Church Idea ( 3 )

The Koine Conversation ( 3 )

Greek for Prayer and Preaching ( 3 )


NT I The Synoptic Gospels ( 3 )

NT II The Pauline Epistles ( 3 )

NT III The Johannine Corpus ( 3 )


OT I From Genesis to David ( 3 )

The Inter-testamental Period and The LXX ( 3 )

OT II From David to John the Baptist ( 3 )


History of the Church I – Clement to the Reformation ( 3 )

History of the Church II – The Reformation to Postmodernism ( 3 )

Apologetics ( 3 )

Systematic Theology ( 3 )


Pastoral Theology I ( 3 )

Pastoral Theology II ( 3 )

Pastoral Theology (3)


Homiletics Seminar ( 2 )

Liturgical Seminar ( 2 )

Ordination Seminar ( 2 )

Note: This basic template will vary depending on area of sub – track emphasis. The last four courses must be accomplished with the express approval or under the direct supervision of a Bishop or other competent ecclesiastical authority.

Bachelor of Theology (ThB) – 60 credit hour program

An Associate degree or 60 semester credit hours (this requirement may be waived if the applicant demonstrates academic “life experience” proficiency according to the American Council of Education’s guidelines for issuing credit for prior learning). At least 30 credit hours must be completed at STTCS. This degree focuses upon a broader theological, academic oriented education.