The Master of Divinity (MDiv) – 63 credit hour program

  • A Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution.
  • At least 30 credit hours must be completed at STTCS.

MDiv Program Details

Scholarly Writing ( 3 )

Spiritual Formation I ( 3 )

Spiritual Formation II ( 3 )


The Church Idea ( 3 )

The Koine Conversation ( 3 )

Greek for Prayer and Preaching ( 3 )


NT I The Synoptic Gospels ( 3 )

NT II The Pauline Epistles ( 3 )

NT III The Johannine Corpus ( 3 )


OT I From Genesis to David ( 3 )

The Inter-testamental Period and The LXX ( 3 )

OT II From David to John the Baptist ( 3 )


History of the Church I – Clement to the Reformation ( 3 )

History of the Church II – The Reformation to Postmodernism ( 3 )

Apologetics ( 3 )

Systematic Theology ( 3 )


Pastoral Theology I ( 3 )

Pastoral Theology II ( 3 )

Pastoral Theology (3)


Homiletics Seminar ( 2 )

Liturgical Seminar ( 2 )

Ordination Seminar ( 2 )

Note: This basic template will vary depending on area of sub – track emphasis. The last four courses must be accomplished with the express approval or under the direct supervision of a Bishop or other competent ecclesiastical authority.


The Master of Religion (MAR) – 42 credit hour program

  • A Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution.
  • At least 30 credit hours must be completed at STTCS.

MAR Program Details

Scholarly Writing ( 3 )

Spiritual Formation I ( 3 )

The Koine Conversation ( 3 )

Elective ( 3 )

NT I The Synoptic Gospels ( 3 )

NT II The Pauline Epistles ( 3 )

NT III The Johannine Corpus ( 3 )

OT I From Genesis to David ( 3 )

The Inter-testamental Period and The LXX ( 3 )

OT II From David to John the Baptist ( 3 )

History of the Church I – Clementto the Reformation ( 3 )

History of the Church II – The Reformation to Postmodernism ( 3 )

Elective Master’s Thesis ( 6 )