Paul K. Hubbard I ended Part 1 with this statement: “Thus there is an extraordinary disconnect between these two sciences – one desperately looking for signs of life and knowing instantly that it is living if it should appear - and another doggedly arguing that...
Conscious Design – Part 1
Conscious Design – Part 1 Paul K. Hubbard I recently finished “Darwin’s Doubt” by Stephen C. Meyer. The argument for “intelligent design” always seemed repugnant to me because it is oxymoronic; that is, you cannot have unintelligent design, or for that matter,...
The Idea of an American Catholicity
The Idea of an American Catholicity
The Difference Between Belief and Existentialism
The most important transition we make as we are translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear son is the transition from unbelief to belief. And it is here that we have sufficient language - in depth and frequency in our literature - to integrate all of the transitions we...
Reading the New Testament “Literally”
Conservatives and Fundamentalists often give the impression that the entire Bible should be taken “literally.” And by literally they mean that each word should be taken in its most restrictive sense. But the problem with reading the Bible literally, (as it has come to be defined), is that such a process is entirely unliterary.
Ten Reasons Why the New Testament is Not Presenting Myth
The Standard Model utterly fails to explain why we must exchange a stereoscopic Apostolic Christ for a modern zoo of psychologically determined christs. The Standard Model insists that the Apostolic Christ is nothing but a psychological projection and that the real, historical jesus has simply dropped out of historical view. It insists that all that is left to the historian is the certain knowledge that Jesus cannot be the Apostolic Christ. This is a very suspicious historical perspective.
Believing is Hearing
Believing is Hearing John argues early on that the logos comes to everyone that comes into the world, and deep in the soul, the Spirit of truth brings him into direct contact with the truth about himself, about God and about his relationship to God. It will be a truth...
Linguistic Docetism – Part 3
Linguistic Docetism – Part 3 From the argumentation from previous parts there are now two very serious problems: 1) the Jesus Christ of history has become less accessible to the ordinary layman and 2) various alternative, existential christs have emerged in that...
Linguistic Docetism – Part 2
In an attempt to protect the authority of the New Testament, the theory of mechanized inspiration has functionally destroyed it. What is left is a disembodied stream of written materials that one famed scholar claimed was God ‘lisping in human language.’ And extra-Biblical theological systems, whether they be Roman, Reformed, Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Charismatic or cultic were produced to correct this lisp.
Linguistic Docetism – Part 1
Linguistic Docetism - Part 1 Thomas Aquinas had argued for a two-tiered view of Church and State, in which the Pope had supreme authority in matters of religion and the emperor had supreme authority in matters of state. The Protestants adapted this argument to the New...