Our faculty is staffed by professionals who teach instead of professional teachers. Our mission is essentially a ministry – a ministry to connect mature and experienced leaders with the next generation of leadership – to give as much as we can to this rising leadership cadre, not take. Because we believe that it is more blessed to give than to receive. And to accomplish this, many of our faculty and staff freely contribute their time, talents and expertise well beyond their remuneration, in order to keep tuition low and scholarship rates high for students.

The Revd Paul K. Hubbard, STD

The Revd Paul K. Hubbard, STD

President, Professor of New Testament, Greek, and Spiritual Formation

Dr. Hubbard served as the eighth president of St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary from October 2013 until December 2018, at which time he became the first president of St Timothy’s Theological College and Seminary in December of 2018. He holds the Sacrae Theologiae Doctor and a Master of Theology (Summa Cum Laude) from St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary, and a Bachelor of Science from Excelsior College in New York with a major in Sociology.

After a distinguished 20 year Naval career, Paul attended seminary to prepare for service as an Anglican Priest. He is currently Rector of St. Timothy’s Anglican Church in Poquoson, Virginia, at which STTCS is co-located. Dr. Hubbard teaches New Testament, Greek, and Spiritual Formation. Paul is married with 7 children and 10 grandchildren. He and his wife, Jeanne, reside in Poquoson, Virginia.



The Revd Bob Hackendorf, DLitt

The Revd Bob Hackendorf, DLitt

Academic Dean, Professor of Old Testament Studies and Hebrew

Dr. Hackendorf is a native of Baltimore, MD, and was raised in a Southern Baptist family. He attended Wheaton College in Illinois, where he majored in Ancient Languages and Biblical Studies. He has earned degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary and Cranmer Theological House and has done post-graduate work at the Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University. He was awarded a Doctorate of Letters from St. Timothy’s Theological College and Seminary in 2020.

He is a Chaplain and Bereavement Counselor for Accord Hospice in Dallas TX. He also serves as an Assisting Priest at Transformation Anglican Church, a parish of the Anglican Church in North America in Rockwall, Texas. He and Cheryl have been married for 24 years, and have served congregations in Oklahoma, Texas, New York, New Jersey and North Carolina. They currently live in Garland, Texas, with their son Noah.


The Very Revd Guy Dunklee, DMin, STD

The Very Revd Guy Dunklee, DMin, STD

Vice President for Doctoral Programs

Dr. Dunklee received a Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration, Computer Science, and Mathematics as well as a Bachelor’s of Arts in Philosophy, Psychology and Religion from Elmhurst College. He also has a Master of Arts in Christian Clinical Counseling from the University of Biblical Studies, a Master of Divinity in Biblical Languages (Greek, Hebrew, Latin, German), a Doctorate in Ministry (Church Management & Administration, Preaching & Worship, Outreach Care, Sick, Elderly & Dying, Assisted Living, Nursing home, Hospice Clergy Care) from American Christian College and Seminary. Dr. Dunklee has also received the Doctorate of Sacred Theology from St Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary.

He previously was been head of the Doctoral Program at St Andrew’s and now serves in that role at St Timothy’s.


The Revd John Haines, ThD

The Revd John Haines, ThD

Professor of Systematic Theology, Director of Strategic Planning and Alumni Relations

Dr. Haines received a B.A. in piano performance from Colorado Christian University; an M.M. in conducting from the Eastman School of Music; an M.B.Th. and Th.D. from St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary and an MDiv from St. Timothy’s Theological College and Seminary. He is also an ordained Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church of America. Dr. Haines is Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of Strategic Planning and Alumni Relations.

He resides in Alabama and serves as the Worship Pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church.


The Revd Abbot Patrick Maclean, DLitt

The Revd Abbot Patrick Maclean, DLitt

Professor of Liturgics

Dr. Maclean earned his BA from LaGrange College in Georgia, after which he went on to earn his MA from the University of Southern Mississippi, and undertook post-graduate studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where he was a Shakespeare scholar and served on the directorial staff of the famed Colorado Shakespeare Festival. Dr. Maclean was awarded a Doctorate of Letters from St. Timothy’s Theological College and Seminary in 2020.

Previously, Dr. Maclean taught classes in Liturgics, Anglican Church music, and Protocol at St Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary. He is a member of the Order of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr (an Anglican-Augustinian order), and was elected the second Abbot in 2016. He currently serves as an Assisting Priest at St. Mary’s Anglican Catholic Church in Denver. He’s a native Floridian who lives in Littleton, Colorado with his wife, Laura.


Ms Carrie Strickland, MBA

Ms Carrie Strickland, MBA

Chief Financial Officer

Ms. Strickland holds an MBA from Strayer University and is the Chief Financial Officer at St. Timothy’s Theological College and Seminary. She has been a member of the Anglican Church since her confirmation in 1982. Currently she is the Senior Warden at St. Timothy’s Anglican Church in Poquoson, Virginia.

Ms. Strickland resides with her family near Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

The Revd Jason Hess

The Revd Jason Hess


Reverend Hess serves as the webmaster for the STTCS website. Previously, he served as the webmaster of SATCS, a Continuing Anglican jurisdiction, and a few other websites. He is a member of the Wesleyan-Anglican Society, and a priest with canonical residence in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.

Fr Hess lives on Virginia’s Middle Peninsula with his wife, Myra, where they have resided since 2005. Together they have three children.


Ms Jeanne D. Hubbard, EdD

Ms Jeanne D. Hubbard, EdD

Special Educational Advisor to the Board of Trustees and to St. Timothy’s Theological College and Seminary

Dr. Jeanne D. Hubbard has over 20 years in Business Analysis and Management in the Training and Development Industry with teaching Communication and Organizational Dynamics in higher education. She received her Ed.D at George Washington University.

Jeanne is passionate about the “care and feeding” of our seminary students, and her teaching philosophy leverages her unique insight into research, adult education principles, and generational diversity to encourage a lifelong educational process in the New Testament, Theology and Pastoral care.

The Revd Dr Marc Jerry, STD

The Revd Dr Marc Jerry, STD

Member of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Marc Jerry was previously the Academic Dean of STTCS, president of Luther College (Saskatchewan), and has recently been appointed as president of Renison University College. He holds a BA in Economics from the University of Calgary; an MA in Economics from Lakehead University; an M.Div. from the University of Saskatchewan’s Lutheran Theological Seminary; and the Sacrae Theologiae Doctor degree from St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary.

Dr. Jerry has been a member and subscriber to the Rule of the Societas Trinitatis Sanctae (Society of the Holy Trinity), a religious order (ministerium.) He also holds an ICAO Airline Transport Pilot License with Multi-engine, Instrument, and Flight Instructor ratings. He is an experienced professor and academic administrator with over 20 years of teaching experience, primarily with Mount Royal University and Red Deer College. He is also currently a licensed Priest in the Anglican Diocese of Calgary.

The Revd W. Berry Norwood, DMin, PhD, STD

The Revd W. Berry Norwood, DMin, PhD, STD

Member of the Board of Trustees

Dr. Norwood received his Bachelor of Theology from Columbia Evangelical Seminary, a Master of Liberal Arts from Luther Rice University, a Doctor of Ministry from Colorado Evangelical Seminary, a Doctor of Philosophy from Louisiana Baptist University, and a Doctor of Sacred Theology (Summa Cum Laude) from St Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary.

Dr. Norwood has served on the Board of Trustees for St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary, the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, and the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention. He has over forty years of pastoral experience. He and his wife Nancy reside in Okmulgee, Oklahoma.