Believing is Hearing

Believing is Hearing John argues early on that the logos comes to everyone that comes into the world, and deep in the soul, the Spirit of truth brings him into direct contact with the truth about himself, about God and about his relationship to God. It will be a truth...

Linguistic Docetism – Part 3

Linguistic Docetism – Part 3 From the argumentation from previous parts there are now two very serious problems: 1) the Jesus Christ of history has become less accessible to the ordinary layman and 2) various alternative, existential christs have emerged in that...

Linguistic Docetism – Part 2

In the conservative linguistic docetism noted in Part 1, higher literary matters, such as the inter-literary relationship between the actual authors who wrote the New Testament have become irrelevant. Because the authors themselves have become irrelevant. This might...

Linguistic Docetism – Part 1

Linguistic Docetism – Part 1 Thomas Aquinas had argued for a two-tiered view of Church and State, in which the Pope had supreme authority in matters of religion and the emperor had supreme authority in matters of state. The Protestants adapted this argument to...

Christ is Language – Part 6

Christ is Language – Part 6 The New Testament corpus – if it is truly a unified revelation of God – is therefore not a random gaggle of humanistic religious sentiments that must be systematized by some Protestant philosophical scheme or...

Christ is Language – Part 5

The New Testament materials are a body. But it is not enough to say that some parts of that body are strong, some are weak, some are clear, some are not so clear, some are simple, some are hard to understand – or that the whole body matures in its communication...