The Revd Dr Paul K. Hubbard became the first president of St Timothy’s Theological College and Seminary in December of 2018 after having served as the eighth president of St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary for over five years. Dr. Hubbard is also Rector of St. Timothy’s Anglican Church in Poquoson, Virginia, a church which he and his wife, Jeanne, founded in 2009.
A long-time Virginian, Paul Hubbard was confirmed in 1976 at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Norfolk. After a distinguished 20-year Naval career, Paul attended seminary to prepare for service as an Anglican Priest. He holds the Sacrae Theologiae Doctor and a Master of Theology (Summa Cum Laude) from St. Andrew’s Theological College and Seminary, and a Bachelor of Science from Excelsior College in New York with a major in Sociology.
Theologically, his academic emphasis has been in the area of the literary and historical integrity of the New Testament materials. His Master’s thesis, The Jonas Genre, proposes a linguistic solution to the “Synoptic Problem.” His doctoral dissertation, From Exodus to Eisodus, proposes a linguistic solution to the problem of the author of Hebrews. His post-doctoral research has been in the Johannine Corpus, published recently as A Vesture Dipped in Blood. Additionally Dr. Hubbard has published The Koine Conversation: A Grammar and Exegetical Guide to the New Testament, and most recently has released the final installment in this five-book series. This book is a textbook for spiritual formation, The Genesis Genre. It’s an in depth linguistic study of the genre of the opening chapters of Genesis, through the lens of New Testament spirituality.
Paul is married with 7 children and 10 grandchildren. He and his wife, Jeanne met in a church choir at St. Francis Anglican Church, Blacksburg, Virginia and they continue to sing as a family and are partners in parish ministry. Paul’s hobbies include farming, sailing and tennis. Paul is very active in his community as an urban farming and nutrition advocate, founding the Virginia Peninsula Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation and co-founding the Virginia Peninsula Small Farmer’s Association.